OIAA Assembly 3 December 2022
Archive page for the OIAA Assembly 3 December 2022
Assembly Announcement
- Assembly Announcement
- Copy this message and link into your meeting’s chat
- General Assembly Meeting-December 3rd, 2022: https://staging-wordpress.caprover.aa-intergroup.org/general-assembly
Assembly Agenda
- The 3 December 2022 Assembly Agenda
- Note from the Chair
- Minutes from the OIAA September 10, 2022 Assembly will be voted on at the assembly. Please read and review prior to the assembly.
Election of OIAA Officers
We encourage all who are qualified to stand for election. Officer positions standing for election are: Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Finance Chairperson and Technology Chairperson.
Anyone who has served in an OIAA service position is eligible to serve as an Intergroup Officer. No person may hold more than one Intergroup office at a time, nor may any Officer save concurrently as Alternate. No officer may serve concurrently as an IGR. All Officers must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
- Descriptions and Qualifications
- Outline for Resume Presentation This format is not required; but is provided as a helpful tool.
Election Procedure
Voting Members will elect the officers standing for election.
2023 Budget
- Note from the OIAA Treasurer and OIAA Finance Committee Chair
- The 2023 OIAA Operating Budget will be voted on at the assembly. Please read and review prior to the assembly.