Descriptions, Eligibility & Qualifications 2023International Trustee and Trustee at Large – Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous

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Descriptions, Eligibility & Qualifications 2023
International Trustee and Trustee at Large

We encourage all who are qualified to stand for election.
Please submit resumes for these positions to by November 1st.
Here is a suggested Service Resume Format.

The Board has this authority to expand itself per bylaws:

Section 3.02: Composition and Tenure. The Board shall consist of the Officers as described in Article 4 of these Bylaws, certain Committee Chairs and other elected members of the Intergroup, as determined by the Board from time to time.

1. Eligibility & Qualifications for all Trustees:

Trustees shall be at least 18 years of age and need not be United States citizens or residents of New Jersey. OIAA suggests that ten years of continuous sobriety is preferable for Trustees, though it is not mandatory. A committed program and leadership experience can enable a member to deal with OIAA growth and its affairs with serenity and ease in problem-solving. Such candidates can bring to the board the quality of decisiveness and the fortitude of their guidance and convictions, along with objectivity and prudence, and are generally well suited to represent the OIAA board and interpret its actions. A business background or other professional experience is helpful. The Board and Membership are also interested in other skills and qualities that Trustees can offer.

2. International Trustee 

The International Trustee serves as a liaison from OIAA to online groups outside the US and Canada. While no Trustee can be said to “represent” a geographical area, this Trustee brings an international perspective to the Board and membership. This Trustee provides insight to the Board regarding the needs of the OIAA international online community and cultivates the spirit of inclusion and unity. This may include recommendations regarding zonal and regional inclusivity. They coordinate and collaborate with Unity and other OIAA Committees as needed or as determined by the Board. The International Trustee provides the Board pertinent information which may affect our organization and its online presence, utilizing their experience in diverse cultural environments. As our membership grows, additional International Trustees may be added at the discretion of the Board.  Being bilingual or multilingual and residing outside of the US or Canada are assets.

3. Trustee at Large

The Trustee at Large will work in partnership with the OIAA Committees to foster communication, collaboration and avoid duplication of efforts. The Trustee at Large will be available to serve in other areas as determined by the Board. As the membership grows additional Trustees at Large may be added at the discretion of the Board.

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