Back to: OIAA Assembly 16 September 2023
Minutes from the OIAA 17 June 2023 Assembly
The Assembly was opened by the OIAA Acting Chair, Susan R., with the Serenity Prayer. Susan welcomed all the attendees and thanked everyone for all the support behind the scenes
Jeff B., OIAA Secretary and Parliamentarian, requested that the Technology Team conduct a count to determine Quorum. Mark M., OIAA Technology chair reported that there were 57 voting members present. Jeff explained that according to our Bylaws, the number of voting members must be greater than 25% of the most recent survey of IGRs (182) which is currently 46. With a Quorum established, the Assembly may conduct business today if necessary.
Approval of the March 18 Assembly Minutes
- Jeff B., OIAA Secretary, reviewed the March 18th Assembly minutes, see link: Minutes from the OIAA March 18, 2023 Assembly. There were no questions or comments.
- A motion was made and seconded to accept the March 18th Assembly minutes. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Chair Report – Susan R., OIAA Acting Chair
- Susan read her report from June 13th, see link: OIAA Acting Chair Report May 2023
- Susan then set aside 30 minutes for discussion. After 30 minutes she closed the discussion to make room for the Technology Chair and Treasurer reports.
- There was a range of comments, primarily focusing on the importance of the membership participating in the decision to remove a Trustee. Others commented on the Bylaws reflecting New Jersey non-profit and IRS law requiring that this was the responsibility and duty of the Board. Others expressed their support for the Board in making this difficult decision. It was pointed out that there is a Forum on the website where members can discuss this or other issues.
Technology Chair Report – Mark M., Technology Chair
- Financial Summaries
- Jennifer reviewed the reports, clarifying that in May we received the highest contributions that we have to date for a month of $9,800.
- Accounting and bookkeeping. This is the last month that you will see this for the time being as the bookkeeper quit because Jennifer asked too many questions.
- Translation services of $850 were higher this month because of the Town Hall. If you have any forums or any other upcoming events that require translation, please submit un-budgeted requests.
- Video conferencing is the expense for our Zoom account.
- Website hosting is very low for now but there will be an uptick in that.
- We were able to make our contribution that we voted upon in December to TIAA (Technology in Alcoholics Anonymous) of $4,700. This means that all of our disbursements have been made, except for NAATW. We discovered that we couldn’t make that contribution but we contributed to GSO, Grapevine Carry the Message. International Fund and TIAA.
- In May, we had 80 different groups and individuals who contributed to OIAA. Please review this list and email for details of your group rather than an individual so that she can change it for subsequent reports.
- Balance Sheet. At the end of May we had a balance of $89,000 in our bank account. We are currently accruing monies for the 2025 International Convention so that we don’t take a big hit when these expenses hit our financial statements.
- Our current earnings for the year to date are low because we made the disbursements to GSO, International literature Fund, Grapevine Carry the Message and TIAA.
New Business
- A motion was made and seconded to table New Business until July 29. There were 52 votes and 48 (92%) voted in favor of tabling New Business until July 29th. Minority opinion was heard and there was a motion to reconsider, which was seconded. 52 members voted and 43 (82%) voted not to reconsider so the original motion passed.
Continued Discussion by the Membership
- The Chair reopened the discussion. Members expressed their gratitude for the Board’s thorough and integrous approach to the Trustee removal process, acknowledging that they followed the Bylaws and the 3rd Concept, the Right of Decision. One person commented that if they didn’t like the Bylaw then they needed to explore whether it could be changed. The OIAA Secretary described the process for getting a motion on the agenda starting with the Member submitting a request to the Chair.
- There was a motion and second to end the meeting with no one opposed.
Motions Summary
- A motion was made and seconded to accept the March 18th Assembly minutes. The minutes were approved unanimously.
- A motion was made and seconded to table New Business until July 29. There were 52 votes and 48 (92%) voted in favor of tabling New Business until July 29th. Minority opinion was heard and there was a motion to reconsider, which was seconded. 52 members voted and 43 (82%) voted not to reconsider so the original motion passed.
Humbly Submitted,
Amelia L., OIAA Alt. Secretary
Jeff B., OIAA Secretary