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Minutes from the OIAA September 10, 2022 Assembly
Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous (OIAA)
1st Zoom Assembly September 10, 2022
Present: Gwen McN (Chair & Trustee, OIAA); Barry M (Secretary & Trustee, OIAA); Jane G (Vice Chair & trustee, OIAA); Jan BB (PAC Chair, OIAA); Mark M (Technology Committee Chair, OIAA); Mary M (List keeper, Steppers Chair OIAA); Brian R (Treasurer & Trustee OIAA), Carlos D (IGR OIAA); Amelia L (IGR OIAA) and 104 members of OIAA
The meeting opened at 2:03pm EST
Barry M opened the meeting with the “us” version of the Serenity prayer
Gwen explained what was going to happen in the Assembly. First the voting member quorum forms would appear in the Zoom chat box in 5 different languages. These forms would be used to establish quorum. Gwen explained that the process of taking attendance to establish quorum is to verify that the required number of voting members are present.
Gwen explained that Jane G and Mary M would be working in the background to verify voting member forms and later to count the votes.
Gwen explained that non-voting members were invited to participate in the discussion prior to the vote but only registered Inter Group Representatives of OIAA (IGRs) would be allowed to vote. Barry added that the quorum forms would also be used as evidence that a valid vote had been taken according the laws of New Jersey, which is where OIAA has been registered as an Organization.
Gwen explained that the Bylaws were revised by an Ad Hoc committee of IGRs, Committee members and OIAA Chairs. She called for the Ad Hoc committee in January and the group came together in March under the guidance of Barry M. OIAA is registered in New Jersey because that is where it was originally registered in 1996
In between announcements many members asked questions about how OIAA works. Members of the Board of Trustees answered those questions and in many cases referred members to the OIAA webpage for more information.
Gwen explained that once quorum was set that a motion would be put before the membership, a second would be made and then there would be a chance for discussion. She warned that each voting member would have 90 seconds to make their statement and asked before hand that if someone in line makes a point, that it not be repeated by another voting member. When discussion closes the voted would be called and voting forms would appear in the chat box. She asked that silence be maintained while members voted.
Gwen then made announcements:
Become an IGR! There is a forum on September 24, 2022, more info is on the OIAA website.
The Safety committee will have a workshop on October 8, 2022.
Upcoming elections:
Consider standing for office. Barry will make an announcement about open positions at the IGR Forum on September 24, 2022. Voting would happen in November or December 2022 and at the same time the Board might present the 2023 proposed budget.
Committees who need help:
The Steppers committee
Members have direct contact with Alcoholics who are still suffering.
Finance Committee
Please attend monthly meeting on the last Tuesday of the month at 6pm EST.
Cooperation with Professional Communities Committee
Are looking for members.
The Safety committee
Needs volunteers.
Mark announced that Quorum was set.
Amelia made the motion that the voting members of the OIAA approve the revised OIAA Bylaws submitted by the Ad Hoc Bylaws Committee and approved by the OIAA Board on August 17, 2022. Carlos 2nd.
Gwen asked for discussion
John moved that discussion be waived; Brian 2nd, unanimous yes.
Jane announced the semi-Final Vote: Yes 93, No 0 (Zero), Abstentions 0 (Zero), therefore the two thirds (2/3) requirement was met.
Barry M announced that quorum was achieved and a vote was taken has been unanimously approved at 3:19EST September 10, 2022.
Sadhu moved to adjourn the meeting; Rady 2nd, unanimous yes.
Meeting closed at 12:20PST 3:20EST