Chair Report for Apr 2023
The purpose of the IGR Quarterly Forums is to bring information to the IGRs, give all IGRs an opportunity to share information with each other, ask questions, and spark new ideas. What ideas does your group have? We are collecting them here:
IGRs, please prepare for April 29 by asking your group members to tell you what they want or need from OIAA as an Intergroup. Do not fret if they don’t know. Some groups may make no request while others will offer several ideas and items. The Forum will provide everyone with a learning opportunity.
Call for Volunteers – Contact:
OIAA can only grow at the rate at which its work can be completed.
OIAA is in immediate need of volunteers for these service positions that support OIAA Officers:
- Alternate Treasurer
- Alternate Secretary
- Finance Chairperson
- Alternate Finance Chairperson
Archives Committee Members are needed!
Needed by most OIAA standing committees:
Committee Secretaries – This service may not require attendance to the actual committee meetings. Most meetings have an audio recording and a written transcript. The person who is willing to listen to the audio recording while revising the transcript can do the work at his/her convenience. This is a great way to learn the many ways in which OIAA conducts 12-Step work!
Communications Committee Members Needed:
- People who want to learn or are knowledgeable in applying the principles of A.A.’s Steps, Traditions, and Concepts
- Communication Specialists
- Graphic artists
- Training designers
- Videographers
- Presentation script writers
Paid Special Workers are needed for work at regular OIAA standing committee meetings, IGR Forums and Assemblies:
- Simultaneous (Oral) Interpreters – American Sign Language (ASL), Mexican Sign Language (LSM), Spanish, Portuguese, and French
- Translators for written documents – Spanish, Portuguese, French
Jane G., Chair, OIAA