Report for Unity Committee - Oct 2023
The Unity Committee is pleased to share our newly approved charter.
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Unity Committee Charter
Type of Committee:
X Standing Service Committee ____ Ad hoc Service Committee
____ Standing Board Committee ____ Ad hoc Board Committee
Mission and Purpose:
The mission and purpose of the Unity Committee is to encourage the exchange
of online A.A. group experiences among the vast online A.A. group community,
which can help them in their shared goal of spreading the A.A. message to the
alcoholic online who is still suffering.
We do this through:
-Outreach to our OIAA groups and committees
-Inviting groups to share their experiences carrying the message to the alcoholic online
-Organizing an annual OIAA International Online Convention
Unity Chair
The Unity Chair leads the Unity Committee in fulfilling its mission and purpose.
The Unity Chair organizes, leads committee meetings, and creates the meeting
agendas and committee reports for the Combined Board and Committee Chair
Meetings. The Unity Chair maintains communication with the Communications
Committee and the OIAA Treasurer to schedule translation and interpretation
services for the Unity Committee meetings and events. The Unity Chair creates
and adheres to an annual committee budget in coordination with the OIAA Board.
The Unity Chair coordinates and engages the OIAA groups, membership, and
committees to participate in the annual OIAA International Online Convention
with the support of the Board.
● A member of Alcoholics Anonymous with a minimum of 5 years of sobriety
● Understanding and experience in managing and leading people
● The ability to delegate, and organize event planning
● Understanding and experience of working with people of diverse cultural
● Experience in basic administrative tasks : emails, Google Drive,
creation/modification/archiving documents
● Communication and collaborative skills are helpful
● Bilingual or multilingual are a plus
Alt Unity Chair
The Alt Unity Chair shares in the responsibility of running Unity Committee meetings,
welcoming new committee members, answering Unity Committee emails, and
organizing and supporting committee efforts and events. The Alt Unity Chair replaces
the Unity Chair when needed. The Alt Unity Chair may attend OIAA Combined Board
and Committee Chair Meetings when asked to join.
-A member of Alcoholics Anonymous with a minimum of 5 years of sobriety
-Understanding and experience in managing and leading people
-The ability to delegate, and organize event planning
-Understanding and experience of working with people of diverse cultural backgrounds
-Experience in basic administrative tasks : emails, Google Drive, creation/modification/archiving documents
-Communication and collaborative skills are helpful
-Bilingual or multilingual are a plus
Unity Secretary
The Unity Secretary collaborates with the Unity Chair and Alt Chair to notify all Unity
Committee members of Unity meetings and Unity events. The Unity Secretary keeps
and maintains the list of active Unity Committee members and their email information,
and their attendance at Unity meetings. The Unity Secretary keeps thorough and
complete minutes of Unity Committee meetings, organizes Unity meeting recordings
and transcripts, and organizes and maintains the Unity Drive and Drive access in
collaboration with the Unity Chair and Alt Chair.
-A member of Alcoholics Anonymous with a minimum of 3 years of sobriety
-Experience in basic administrative tasks : emails, Google Drive, creation/modification/archiving documents
-Communication and collaborative skills are helpful
-Knowledge of DeepL translator a plus
Unity Liaison
The Unity Liaison conducts outreach and creates relationships with our OIAA groups by
attending their meetings whenever possible, inviting them to share their online
experiences in the Unity Committee meetings, and encouraging them to explore OIAA
activities, support services, and service opportunities . The Unity Liaison actively assists
the Unity Committee in its mission and purpose, and the OIAA International Online
-A member of Alcoholics Anonymous and of the Unity Committee with a minimum of 2 years of sobriety
-Experience in A.A. service such as : Hospitals and Institutions, Public Information or 12 Step work, or a willingness to be willing to learn and serve where needed
Unity Committee Members
-A member of Alcoholics Anonymous with at least 1 year of sobriety, or has a service sponsor.
-Participation in at least 3 consecutive Unity Committee meetings to be considered a voting member
-Consistent participation in Unity Committee meetings is necessary to maintain a member’s voting status.
What we do/Tasks:
The OIAA Unity Committee conducts outreach and creates relationships with our OIAA groups by
attending their meetings whenever possible, inviting them to share their online experiences in the Unity Committee meetings, and encouraging them
to explore OIAA activities, support services, and service opportunities .
We coordinats and organize the annual OIAA International Online Convention and participate in other OIAA events
Approval date of the Committee: October 5, 2023
Approval date of the Board : October 8, 2023
Approval date of Voting Members: ____________________
The scope of the responsibility and authority of each committee is outlined in a
committee charter to be reviewed every two years or as necessary. While each
committee can have different roles, many will have similar roles. For example, each
committee will most likely have a committee Chair and a Secretary with similar
responsibilities and qualifications. Each committee will have certain roles unique to the
mission it has to discharge.
OIAA’s Bylaws Article 5 provides additional committee detail including definitions
pertaining to their duration, creation of, dissolution of, record maintenance and reporting