Back to: OIAA Assembly 16 December 2023
Assembly Announcement 16 December 2023
OIAA General Assembly
Saturday, December 16th, 2023
11:00am PST/1:00pm CST/2:00pm EST
Meeting ID: 839 1683 1125; Passcode: OIAA
We will be approving the 2024 budget and electing 3 officers and two non-officer trustees on December 16th, 2023. Those elected will begin their term of office on January 1, 2024, and serve for two years. Those we are electing are as follows:
Vice Chair
International Trustee
Trustee at Large
The assembly is open to all who wish to join, but only Intergroup Representatives, OIAA Standing Committee Chairs, and OIAA Officers are Voting Members. All Voting Members are urged to attend as a quorum is required in order to conduct business. OIAA must seat these officers and pass the budget before 12/31/2023.
We will again use google forms for voting, capturing and storing results. The Third Legacy Procedure will be followed; a 2/3rds majority of the Voting Members present is required to elect each position.
Simultaneous interpretation is available upon request. Notify Lesliee A by December 2, 2023.
Election of OIAA Officers
We encourage all who are qualified to stand for election. Officer positions standing for election are Chairperson, Vice Chair and Treasurer. Please submit resumes for these positions to by November 1st.
Anyone who has served in an OIAA service position is eligible to serve as an Intergroup Officer. No person may hold more than one Intergroup office at a time, nor may any Officer serve concurrently as Alternate. No officer may serve concurrently as an IGR. All Officers must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
Election of International Trustee and Trustee-at-Large
The Board has created two new non-officer trustee positions who need not have served in OIAA but could have equivalent service elsewhere: International Trustee and Trustee-at-Large. Please submit resumes for these positions to by November 1st.
Anyone who wishes to stand for election will have up to 3 minutes to verbally present relevant qualifications. An outline for resume presentation to help prepare for qualifying is available on the OIAA website. The format is not required, but it may be helpful.
Submitted in love and service,
Jeff B, OIAA Secretary