Agenda for Guidelines Meeting - 09 Aug 2023
9 August 23 Full Committee Ad Hoc Guidelines Committee
3pm Eastern Daylight Time
Zoom 810 0074 2990 Bylaws
- Opening Prayer- Please let’s pray to put principles before personalities-
- Call to order: Gwen M
- Roll Call for the Minutes
- Board of Trustees & Officers Section
- Invitation to bring any concerns forward
- Review Board of Trustees points 8-10
- Review Other Trustees section
- Changes to the document will be made in real time as guided by our HP
- Vote to approve
- Upcoming deliverables:
- Elections Section:
- The Elections section has been approved – Is it ready to go to the Board?
- Does the Board need anything else from Guidelines to be ready for Elections?
- Committee Section:
- Do we need to revisit this section and insert language about the Universal Questions for committees?
- Elections Section: