Report for CPC - Co-operation with Professionals Committee - Aug 2023
Since the last Combined Board Meeting:
I have secured a Professional Media Company to assist us in our efforts to create a Professional Video for the CPC COMMITTEE to use to spread the message of AA. (LEVITATE MEDIA)
>We have discussed pricing and the project itself.
>We have exchanged contracts
>They incorporated their side of the contract into our “editable version” of our Vendor Request Form
>They have Signed and Returned the VENDOR FORM to me.
>They are aware of our Assembly, Unbudgeted Request, and Vendor Request processes as I have explained them to them thoroughly.
>They understand we will not be receiving the funding until 2024.
>>>>>Project Launch Date TBD other than it being 2024 when we start it.
I have discussed the project a little more with the members who will be in the video CHRIS & ROBERT.
>Also, they worked on Q&A’s for the video and answered a series of questions with regards to the project from the Vendor (Levitate Media)
>STILL TRYING TO GET US A GOOD TIME and date FOR OUR NEXT CPC MEETING as no one showed up to the one I scheduled for today.
>>>>>>>>I plan on having us meet once or twice per month until we get into the VIDEO PROJECT then I plan for us to meet weekly.
>>>>>>>>Also trying to work on getting info on who exactly is still in the CPC and adding the new members we just got too as well as gathering all contact information for each person.
>>>>>>>>Also created a MICROSOFT TEAMS chat for our group in general and one specifically for the VIDEO PROJECT…still awaiting the team to join invites.
Working on other projects as well such as:
*H&I with in-person AA memeber that want to work with our committee to merge in-person and online H&I opportunities for service & commitment.
*COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROJECTWhere I will have each of our Members reach out to various contacts in their areas and report back to me with their findings.
*ALT-CPC CHAIR designation/election(s)
>>>>>>>>Also awaiting the next two Assemblies:
>>>>>>>>THEN SUBMITTING 2024 UNBUDGETED FUNDS REQUEST for the $5,055.00 needed for the VIDEO PROJECT that we will be working on after the HOLIDAYS.