Update For Finance – Sep 2023 – Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous

Minutes for Finance Meeting - 11 Sep 2023

OIAA FInance Committee
Record of Minutes
Monday, September 11th, 2023,
12:00pm – 2:54pm HDT
3:00pm – 5:54pm PDT
6:00pm – 7:54pm EDT

Attendees :
Jennifer – Treasurer
Terry N. OIAA Convention Chair
Nicky W. – Listening in Secretary
Nona C.
Jennifer leads Serenity Prayer. All in Attendance join in.
Review of Agenda Outline :
Jennifer points out one change since the last Agenda was sent over. Changing of the time of the Finance
for International Persons.
Motion to Accept Agenda
Terry Moves
Bear Seconds
Call for Opposition
Review of Prior Months Minutes :
Jennifer asks Motion to Accept Prior Months Minutes
Terry Moves
Barry Seconds
Call for Opposition
No Opposition
Review of Financial Reports :
Screen share shows Financial Statements
Everyone in attendance was sent a copy of Financial Statements.Revenues of about $8,700
Paypal fees are associated with the Revenues collected
Accounting Systems = $37.00
Conference expenses = for the Chair to go to the ICOAA Intergroup Conference – Financial Report shows
Finance Committee spent $450 for 10 registrations to the NAATWW for Online.
Convention costs are the monthly accrual for the 2025 International Conference.
Translation Expenses for assemblies and committees = $597.50.

“Other Technologies” = Google fees increasing due to the new website.
New website hosting is a couple of annual expenses for a NET income of $6,000.00.
Finance Committee will make their second payment of $5,000.00 for service workers for the transition of
the new website for a total of $10,000 from mid January to the first of September.
In September, Expenses at the rate of 10 hours a week at $57/hr.
Any questions for the budget variance?
Terry asks how much Google went up with the new website.
Treasurer replies that Google averages $100 but is now closer to $500.
An additional payment of $600 was made to Insight Planners (could be server)
Call for Feedback/Questions :
Review of Balance Sheet :
Share Screen shows Balance Sheet
Next report viewed on the screen share is the Balance Sheet.
Cash Balance =$98,970.96
$4,900 dedicated to the 2025 International Conference.
(Amelia joins the meeting)
Equity equals $94,000.
Call for Feedback/Questions :
Review of Contributions August 2023 :
(Felix joins the room)
There 75 individual contributions. Jennifer points out the significance of one organization named
Recognition to Sober in China Donated $786.24 – New Contributor
Call for Feedback/Questions
Review of Committee Budget Requests :
Grapevine decreases and is no longer ad hoc committee for OIAA
Total of Budget Requests = $162,000
Terry has to leave by 7:00pm so is first :
Review of Terry’s Budget :
Requested Amount : $5,200
$800.00 = Translators for Birthday Meeting, previously passed
$4,400.00 = Lapel pins for 2025 International Convention
(Susan joins the room)
(Another participant joins : Susan )
Terry introduces herself as the 2025 Convention Chair. She states that she has sent out two proposals for
lapel pins and business cards. She reports that she has two quotes for the pins from 2 Canadian
companies. One for 69 cents and one for 79 cents. She has only sent the proposal using the lower of the
two. She explains that she believes the pins will get people to the hospitality suite and in turn will get
them to register their groups.
Jennifer inquires how many pins are included in this quote.
Terry replies that it is 6,000.
Jennifer asks if business cards are also included in her request and

Terry says they are included in the request. Terry also states that she will be saving money on shipping as
she is willing to pick them up herself. Since there were only reportedly 500 visitors at the hospitality
suite, Terry reasons that the pins and cards would help bring more people. Terry conveys that she was a
very active member in the 2005 International Convention and everyone, including her, enjoyed pins. She
continues that the business cards will direct them to the new website and the pins they will keep as a
reminder. She ends with how the lapel pins and business cards are all in the service of OIAA and to try
and to get contributions from the other groups as well.
Amelia asks about the business cards and believes everyone should be carrying business cards to any
Intergroup seminars, convention or AA functions. She questions if there is a budget for business cards for
all and asks specifically who is going to be designing these cards.
Terry answers that she will be working with the Communications Committee to design the cards in
compliance with the rules.
Nona brings up that there is an OIAA pamphlet with the 12 Step Committees information and how it
should be utilized as it has been in the past. Terry replies that she was unaware of such a pamphlet and
offers it to also be in the hospitality suite during the convention.
Jennifer then brings up that Vista Print is a very economical way to get cards. She asks for the specific
balance and amount of the cards. Terry replies that she is looking to have 6,000 of them as well and she
will find the amount.
Jennifer begins to tell her disapproval of the pins specifically as it goes against the 12 Traditions and is
“drunk junk”. It is unethical to use 7th Tradition money on “drunk junk”. She explains that you would
normally use Activities funds which the Finance Committee does not have. Generally, she states, a group
would create a fundraiser such as selling T Shirts or having a dance separately for these types of things.
In Jennifer's opinion, it is promotional and not to be bought with 7th Tradition monies and should be
raised separately. Jennifer is opposed to using the money for lapel pins.
Terry replies that all area delegates use the pins and exchange them. She states that Susan R. even gave
her the name of the company so clearly condones the using of pins. Terry strongly disagrees with the
idea that it goes against guidelines.
Jennifer replies that it is allowed under other circumstances, for example, a convention that charges fees
for entry. She points out that the hospitality suite does not have fees, so this certain request would be
coming out of 7th Tradition money. Jennifer finishes with the information that the pins Terry is speaking
of are not paid for by 7th Tradition money and the delegates do have to pay a fee for the conferences.
Terry argues that the delegates do not pay a fee and the area does.
Jennifer agrees that perhaps it is the area that pays the fees.
Terry states that it IS the 7th Tradition money that is used to pay for these types of things. She also adds
that the Toronto Convention, which she was very involved with, absolutely used 7th Tradition money on
the “phenomenal” pins.
Jennifer states that just because everyone else does it, does not mean it is morally right.
Terry finalizes by saying that it would be a nice gesture for the 30th Anniversary.
Amelia discusses the significance of having the OIAA business cards. She feels they are essential in going
to conventions, but does not feel the pins are as significant as Terry. She believes they are not as
functional or as informational as the business card.
Terry replies that she was going to attach the pins to the cards.
Nona states that she has no attachment to pins either and that the pamphlets functionality is much more
important informationally. She believes we should focus on the pamphlet and getting the alcoholic as
much information as possible. She speaks to Terry and reiterates she is not opposing, but would rather
focus on being productive in getting the right amount of information out there for the alcoholic to be
directed to OIAA for help.
Jennifer adds that Jan BB has the old pamphlet and has significant information about the 2015
Convention. Jennifer also states that business cards are part of the essentials.

Terry answers the previous question about the price of the business cards from VistaPrint. They equal out
to 3 cents a card.
Susan begins by saying she spoke with Jan and has the 2015 exit report. She explains that Jan reported
everything including inventory of pins. She speaks to Terry and states that Jan did not ever recommend
6,000 but instead recommended 2,000 last time they spoke at a Committee. She also states that they gave
out about 600 pins and gave out T Shirts as well. Susan also has a copy of the pamphlet. She states she
doesn’t know whether it falls under public information or promotional, but she would be interested in
seeing how this debate would pan out at the Assembly.
Jennifer answers that she would be interested also, but would rather for the time being get the Finance
Committee’s opinion on this matter so she can have an answer for the Board at her meeting the next day.
Jennifer finalizes that with the Finance Committees answer, and the Boards answer the following day,
Terry can then make the decision whether or not to pursue more with the Membership.
Jennifer would like to establish a consensus from this Financial Committee meeting as to give Terry more
info to go forward with her request.
Susan reiterates that she wants everyone to think about whether or not this is a promotional item or a
public information item as she does not have a vote in this matter.
Terry responds that whatever pins are leftover could be distributed amongst the groups.
Felix is called on as he has his virtual hand raised.
Felix speaks on the pins. He believes that in his area, they love the pins so much they would pay using
outside money. He believes they are meaningful, but would focus more on literature than promotional
pins. He is opposed to using the 7th Tradition money on Pins.
Barry is called on and introduces himself as an alcoholic and has been going to Nationals since 1985 and
has missed only Minnesota and Long Beach. From his personal experience, the pins end up in the junk
bin. He agrees that the pamphlet is of importance but not the pins. He opposes the pins.
Jennifer asks the participants of the meeting if they have anything else to add before voting.
Terry asks one last time whether the vote is just for the pins, or the business cards as well.
Jennifer reiterates that the business cards are essential and have already been accounted for in the
budget. Jennifer also states that she is now curious to see what the other expenses are to be along with
the suite. She recommends getting together with Jan to see what expenses also include. Treasurer also
asks that the expenses for the suite are more detailed in description and numbers so she can financially
determine whether or not there is enough money that has been budgeted.
Nona would like to add that coffee can be really expensive for these events.
Jennifer again replies that there has been $4,900 accrued for the essentials needed and that it is a
substantial amount of money.
Susan wants to second and also emphasize the importance of coffee.
Jennifer asks the participants to raise their virtual hands if they are in agreement with distributing the
pins for the International Conference.
Nona states that she cannot vote as she is the Vice Chair.
No hands raised in Agreement with the Lapel Pins request.
4 Opposing the Lapel Pins Request.
Jennifer states that she will bring this information to the Board the following day with the consensus
decision and that Terry can have a more definitive direction on whether or not to pursue further.
Terry questions whether the Treasurer would adjust her request to just ask for the additional monies for
business cards.
Jennifer reiterates that the business cards are already accounted for in the essentials budget. Treasurer
writes in Terry’s budget $800 + $3312.
Terry thanks everyone for their time.

Amelia and Susan R. both raise their virtual hands.
Susan R speaks up and asks Terry if she would think of having a smaller amount of pins.
Terry replies that she can go lower, they will just be more expensive. With Susan’s help, Terry decides on
changing her amount to 2,000 instead of 6,000 and asks Jennifer to adjust the numbers.
Jennifer points out that the numbers would be different due to Terry saying the prices would change.
Terry replies that she is in good standing with the persons doing the pins and she is confident she can get
them at the same price since she has been communicating with him for over a year. Jennifer quickly does
the math on screen as .69 x .8 x 2,000 = $1,104. She changes the information on Terry’s budget request to
represent the change.
Susan then asks if this change will make some opposed reconsider to approve. Amelia responds first and
says that she is opposed to the pins from more of an environmental stance, so it would not change her
Jennifer asks the participants if anyone would like to change their vote to please raise their virtual hands.
No one decides to change their vote.
Stays 4 Oppose the Lapel Pins to be bought with 7th Tradition money.
And 0 in Acceptance of Lapel Pins
With Change : DISAPPROVAL OF LAPEL PINS (stays the same)
Review of the Secretary’s Budge :
Requested Amount :$2826.00
$1,500 = ICOAA Conference =
$599 = Directors and Officers Insurance
$ TBD = Liability Insurance
$42.00 = CHarity Registration
$150.00 = Registered Agents
$35.00 = Annual NJ Filing Fee
Jennifer begins by questioning the validity of the Insurance as she believes they have to have a physical
location to be needing Liability Insurance. Jennifer wonders whether Liability even has a place with this
organization as there is no physical location.
Barry raises his hands. He wants to explain that liability insurance does not only cover a physical location
as there is a website that is open to the public. There are other concerns with the interactions with the
public and with distressed persons.
Jennifer asks if anyone has any questions about any of the requests.
Amelia wants to discuss the Membership, she specifies that the ICOAA should be more generic to the
Board, as in,here are the two people that need to go. She would like for these line items to be determined
by the Board on how to distribute.
Jennifer declares that she has perceived that she would budget for 2 members to go to the ICOAA.
Jennifer reiterates that she will break out the translators by Committee.
Amelia wonders how much responsibility and authority the Board is giving away and what the procedure
will be.
Jennifer replies that it would end up going to the Membership and the outcome is unknown. Amelia is
shocked they would have to go through the process again.
Amelia would like the Board to have a line item for them to disburse money to entities if they deem fit.
Jennifer states that that is irresponsible and the Committees have to be more involved in their own
Amelia thinks it's ridiculous that they would have to start the process all over just for making a small

Jennifer decides that we need to get back to the task on hand and discuss the Secretary's request.
Barry speaks and brings up the ICOAA Conference expenses for Jeff because Gwen or Barry were unable to
go last year. Since Jeff was able to go, he was the one who budgeted from experience. Barry believes those
calculations are legit. He continues that insurance, registration, the registered agent, etc, are the remit of
the Secretary.
Amelia wants to comment that the Secretary submitted this, but she doesn’t think it’s his budget. She
believes it is the Board's budget.
Jennifer replies that each member of the Board has submitted their own budgets. She examples that
Nona did the one for the IGR Forums, the Chair’s budget was addressed last month and will be looked at
again, and the Finance budget was also addressed last month. The Tech budget, etc.
Jennifer declares that every department brings their own budget. Jennifer just wants everyone to
understand that these are remits of each department head and member of the Board.
Susan also adds that each officer does the budgets for their departments.
Felix would like to know why Insurance is part of the Secretary’s budget as he would think it should be
part of the Finance Department's budget.
Jennifer answers that historically, the Secretary has been the one who does it.
Barry also seconds that it is in the Secretary's job description to take care of registration and insurances.
Nona thirds that these costs are necessary and have to be budgeted in or there will be serious
Jennifer now asks again for any more questions or revisions the participants think need to be made to the
Secretary’s budget.
No one Answers
Jennifer calls for a consensus to be made for the Secretary’s budget.
She asks for a vote of Approval. Barry, Amelia, and Eldin approve.
Jennifer counts 5 Approvals.
Jennifer asks for Disapproval votes and there are none.
Review of CPC Budge :
Requested Amount : $10,000
$5,055 = Professional Media Company Video Production
$4,945 = Expenses
Jennifer notes that Stormy is not present. She states that their budget is summarized as a singular quote
from a professional media company for a video to be produced for CPC. The amount of the video is
$5,055.00 and they added an amount for “padding” of $4,945.00 of possible expenses they would incur
with the video production. Jennifer says she is against the production of videos for OIAA. She states that
there were two videos made and they only have 111 views and 67 views. She believes there is no
significance in making the videos or using finances for this reason and CPC already has 3 videos available
via aa.org. Jennifer is opposed to the videos and asks the participants for their feedback.
Amelia begins with a question of whether or not the Board has seen a charter from the CPC and would like
to know how they could submit without the charter.
Felix adds that he completely agrees with Jennifer and doesn't believe there is any significance in the
making and producing of a video. He is opposed to the funds going towards this function. Barry agrees
that the videos do not produce enough traction and jokes that Tik Tok could do a great job to help with the
production. He is also opposed to the funds being appropriated there.
Susan also discusses that $5,000 for the production of a video is a high cost. She also would like the
participants to know that she does not support this request.

Jennifer is ready to call for a vote and she begins with those in favor of the video request to raise their
Eldin is in favor. 1 in Favor of the CPC video request
Jennifer, Bear, Felix, and Amelia Oppose.
4 in Opposition of Production of CPC video.
Jennifer asks Eldin if he would like to speak on behalf of his vote.
Eldin begins by introducing himself and says that he notices no one is there from the CPC to vocalize the
reasons for the request. He denies that he is in favor either way, but he is opposed to no one being there
to defend themselves. He then suggests that an option be offered to the CPC for clarification before they
turn it down completely.
Jennifer explains she will attend the Board meeting the next day and then will speak to the individual
departments. The Departments can then have the time to create their pitch to bring to the Assembly for
the final decision.
Jennifer asks if that answers or clarifies any understanding of procedures of this meeting. Susan would
like to add that she has been waiting on answers as to what this video was about. She also asked about the
script and states that they did not provide her any information as to what the video production entailed.
Jennifer says she will add on the request’s notes that the Financial Department does not approve of this
Review of Unity Request :
Amount Requested : $25,420
$10,210 = Tech 12 Convention Tech Help
$8,450 = 4 Languages for Convention
$6,760 = 1 Language for 26 Committee Meetings
Unity has requested to put on their own convention and has a request totaling $25,420. This is itemized
down to : Tech 12 which, Jennofer explains is a company that has been used previously by AA to put on
Conventions for $10,210. Also added is 4 languages interpretation for Convention for $8,450 and $6,760
for 26 committee meetings. Jennifer asks if there are any thoughts or concerns about the Convention
Barry asks if the Convention Committee has looked at this request.
Jennifer answers that she does not have that information and asks if anyone else in the meeting has any
Nona states that there are learning experiences that come with this request. This information has been
coming from the Communications Committee, the Convention Committee and the Unity Committee. She
answers that they are working towards creating an online convention.
Amelia asks if the Board has approved the Unity charter yet.
Nona states that this charter was completed by the previous chair and that they spent all morning
working towards the completion of the charter. Nona clarifies that as far as she was told this morning, it
will be in their charter.
Susan replies that she would sell her house to make this happen. Susan begins with saying that it was
approved and passed by a previous Assembly. She continues that the Tech Committee did not have the
people to do this, so it was then stated that Tech 12 could do it. She also states the criticism was that it
was too quick to put on a Convention of this size. Susan states that she would vote for this Convention to
Jennifer adds that Unity has said that they would do an entrance fee and she is opposed to charging.

Jennifer would like to share some things before she opens it up for people to speak. Jennifer brings up
that there are 2 different Tech 12 contracts.
Jennifer shares screen with the contracts and states that she will also share her emails with Beth. She
shows Option #1 which equals $10,200.00 difference is an extra five hours here and then some additions
at the end of the estimate. She doesn’t understand some of the line items including the overtime hours
stipulations. She then shows Option #2 which has a total of $5,700.00 which does not have those bottom
add ons and has 10 hours of pre production. She wanted to bring these two options to their attention.
Option #1 includes a dress rehearsal and 2 additional technicians which would be important if there are
over 1,000 participants. Jennifer believes there would never be that many. She adds that it is also
important to connect to other platforms like Bluejeans which is used in India. Zoom is not available in
some countries. This is the reason for the more expensive option.
Amelia states that she believes that this is very important. Since she is a part of this Committee she
would like to share that they haven’t had the chance to finalize these issues. Amelia brings up that she
believes that charging for the event could create a lot of issues. Especially in taking money
internationally. She asks that Jennifer put up which Option she believes is the best choice. She says that
she will bring it up at the next Unity Committee.
Susan states that every Convention she’s been to has always had a registration fee, including the one in
New York. In her area, she says they have a separate convention that has a reserve. She doesn’t know
how this works on the international side. She ends with saying that they had spoken about it being self
Jennifer brings up that with any start up, you’re going to need seed money. Appropriately, she states that
if this was free, then this is something you could spend 7th Tradition money on.
Amelia speaks up and says that this is where it would work and wouldn’t be able to even couldn’t approve
the Budget if they were charging.
Jennifer agrees.
Barry fully supports this Convention. He says that it ended up being a bigger task this last time around.
He brings up how he and his wife’s business have put on six conventions over the past few years. His
experience ranges from Hybrid meetings, Both Hybrid/In Person and just In Person. He believes that the
best way to make sure everything goes smoothly to go with an outside company and he approves of the
estimate provided. In his opinion, this first gathering of everyone together is special enough to put out
the best possible product. He believes that at least for this first one, he is inclined towards paying for it in
house. He ends by emphasizing that he is very much in favor of this project and the price.
Felix declares that the company providing the estimates is a great company that he has worked with
before. He also states that the price is set high.
Jennifer adds that there is more.
Felix then suggests that there were ways to charge internationally for this event. Jennifer answers that
Tech 12 takes care of all of the international transactions.
Nona speaks to the fact that they could bring the labor hours down and not take any overtime. Nona ends
with stating the fact that it seems as if no one is opposed to having the Convention, so we would just
focus on starting this Convention.
Jennifer begins to discuss the language issue. We could start with paying for one extra interpreter and
they could add languages as it progresses. Jenifer states that the most common language to second is
Spanish. After discussions of these ideas Jennifer asks if anyone has any type of feedback on this.
Felix chimes in that he is all for English and French.
Nona would like to inform everyone that there are 4 GS IGRs that are Portuguese speaking. Also, there are
the same number of French speaking people and they are not bilingual.
Jennifer does that math. $2,000 divided by 4, that’s $500 per person. She states that she believes that is
a lot of money.

Susan says that the Conference is in 3 languages. Susan also states that she is a linguist by training and
she would love to see more International Committees.
Amelia wants to state 2 or 3 points. She wants to remind the participants that when they tried getting
funds from the Membership for the Conference and what happened last time. She adds that they had
promised them they would be a broader and more inclusive outfit. Amelia says that the Committee is
going to push back as it doesn’t seem as inclusive with two languages and Jennifer should be prepared.
She would like to compile more informational data before going forward on which languages are most
Jennifer formally asks if anyone has any recommendations of change in the $10,210? She reminds
everyone of the differences in estimates. No one answers.
Jennifer continues with a different question of whether there are any changes in interpretations. Jennifer
finalizes that the Finance Committee supports the Unity request.
Felix says that he is in full support of Jennifer's suggestion of using the 2 interpretations. Jennifer asks if
there is any other feedback about using 1 to 2 interpreters.
Nona speaks to the 7th Tradition money being spent and their purpose is to attract International persons
and that it is only possible with languages being offered.
Jennifer wants to inform everyone that this is not based on personal positions or opinions. She is looking
at the budget from the financial side, and there is no way to fund $162,000 in requests.
Susan responds to the inquiry saying she doesn’t believe language is one of the things to nickel and dime.
It is necessary.
Jennifer calls for a vote accepting the budget request from Unity “as is”.
Amelia and Eldin are for accepting the Budget as is.
2 Accepting the Unity Budget Request.
Jennifer calls for those opposing the budget “as is”.
Felix is Opposed. Jennifer calls it two-and-two since she is also opposing.
2 Opposing to accept the Budget Request
Tied Vote
Amelia brings up that Barry was absolutely for the convention budget and didn’t think they were
spending enough money.
Treasurer inquires about procedure when a participant is not present during voting. She counts Barry’s
vote using his Acceptance statement before he left the meeting. So 3 Accepting of the Unity Budget.
Treasurer moves onto the next item which is the Tech Budget. She states that it is an interesting request.
She tells the group that there is a total of S67,000 requested and She thinks the best way to get through it
is to go line for line.
Review of Tech Department Budget :
Amount Requested : $67,000
$5,000 = Conference Expenses for 2 Participants.
$2500 = Google Analytics Review/Refresh
$30,000 = Special Workers 10/week @ $57/hr
$2591/month = Zoom Accounts
$7140 = Google Workspace, Web services and Cloud
$20,000 = Website Development Projects
First item up is $5,000 for Conference Expenses for 2 NAATW participants. THat is $2,500 per person.
Jennifer states that the ICOAA Secretary requested $1,500 and the Chair is asking for $1,700.00. The
Treasurer asks for any feedback to the Conference request.

Susan says that they will probably discuss them the following day or asks if it would be setting a number
on the amounts, say $1,500.
Jennifer discusses that it should not be $2,500 to travel.
Susan asks Jennifer how much it should be and they both agree that it is something that should be
brought up the following day. Susan asks what Jennifer would suggest to be the amount concerning an
international person.
Jennifer replies that she would say $3,500. That would give an extra $500 for the international person
and states that generally people are not going to cost $1,500 a piece. Jennifer references that Susan gets
$79 per day to spend per day.
Nona would like to ask or research how much difference there is to being in-person at the convention and
being online. She would like to know the significance of what is lost when attending online as the costs
are big.
Jennifer and Susan both answer that some things have to be done in person and that there is a networking
quality that is missing in the online version.
Eldin starts off by saying that he was awarded to go to the NAATW online this last weekend. He questions
if the Tech Department is asking for $5,000 in expenses. Jennifer agrees. Eldin reiterates that this
committee is just saying we could give them “up to” $5,000.00 worth of expenses. So, he asks, where is
the controversy?
Jennifer replies that the controversy lies with the $162,000 worth of requests. She adds that she would
take smaller amounts of $1000 or $1500 here or there, but there lies the controversy.
Susan states that she can answer the question since the trip came from her. The Board offered a budgeted
funds request. Because they lost their non-profit status, they have to increase the cost of people doing
hybrids to cover those extra expenses. They changed from taking disbursements at the end of the year,
but because of this status change, the suggestion was made to support the Tech Committee by sending 10
Jennifer suggests that she lower the $5,000 request to a $4,000 request. She reasons that the
differentials would be coming from the flight. She states that everything else can stay the same, it is just
the flight that changes in cost. From her personal experience,an international flight is about $1200. She
references someone she traveled with who bought a $1500 flight, but when looked at closely, he had a 3
week hiatus in San Francisco which the OIAA should not have to pay for. Jennifer adds that if you start
adding vacation time in with the flights, then you get to pay the differential because that is not OIAA
business. She believes that $1000 should cover any international flight.
Treasurer asks for any feedback or questions on this matter. No one responds.
Jennifer then asks for a consensus in changing the $5,000 to $4,000.00.
Eldin, Felix E and Jennifer Agrees with this change.
3 vote Approval for the $1,000 Change
She calls for Opposition to the $1000 change.
No one responds for the Opposition.
Jennifer changes the request on the share screen and adds change in notes.
Treasurer continues on and goes down to the Google Analytics Review/Refresh request for $2,500. She
states she has no clue what that means. She calls for anyone that could explain this to everyone. Eldin
raises his virtual hand. Jennifer calls on Eldin. Eldin answers that he believes that this has to do with
Search optimization. So if anyone does a search for AA online meets, they will be the first people to pop
Jennifer is good with $2,500.00.
She moves onto the $30,000 and declares that it consists of a projected 10 hours per week x $57.00. That
equals $29,640.00. Those are the special workers that are in place right now which are Matt and Melinda.

Jennifer asks if anyone has any questions on the $30,000. No one responds.
Jennifer moves on to Videoconferences. She wonders why there is a need for 10 Zoom accounts. Right
now they are working off of one Zoom account which is $150.00 and then $50/month for up to 500
Eldin raises his hand and the Treasurer calls on him. Eldin explains this is probably one for each
department to have their own account.Jennifer explains that it is the main business account which can
give out separate meetings, and asks why would each department need separate accounts.
Susan answers that it is to eliminate meetings going on at the same time.
Eldin places his virtual heart on screen.
Jennifer asks why 10 are needed and Susan responds that she cannot answer that.
Nona would also like some clarity on this as she has recently requested the information on the Zoom
accounts. She suggests that we direct that question to Mark.
Susan chimes in that they should probably cancel the Google Workspace.
Amelia says that she agrees with everyone and has her own Zoom account. She says that she can’t get
hers to do Script, but she can record. She would like to know the level of subscription they are
purchasing. Amelia also adds that it would be extremely difficult trying to coordinate between each
department and is happy that Nona will look into it. She also feels there’s something peculiar about this
and wonders about the coordination between departments. She does believe that 10 accounts is too
Nona wants to explain an incident where she accidentally logged onto the wrong account and the Safety
Committee was preparing for an upcoming meeting. She clarifies that there are coordination issues, but
they really should direct any concerns to Mark.
Jennifer shares that she is writing down questions and comments in the notes on the requests. Jennifer
states that she sees that Google prices are going up and how this $600 per month for Zoom seems
Treasurer moves on to Website Development Projects. Jennifer would like to call for a little more time
before upgrading the new website.
Nona agrees and adds that they should only be focusing on whether or not the website is user friendly.
They bring up again the importance of having Mark answer these questions and possibly having people
test the site to figure out where it needs improvement.
Jennifer states that she would like to say No to Additional Website Development as it is a $20,000 request.
She states that this sounds like it should add additional features to the website, not improving what it is
Nona and Susan reply that they should have the Tech Committee answer some of these questions and be
given a chance to defend their requests.
Jennifer calls for a consensus to accept the website as is and work on polishing what is available now. She
also adds that there will be no additions to the website for the next year.
Susan replies that she does not like TBD.
Amelia asks if they had just added a new contract.
Susan asks if Eldin has anything to contribute to the conversation.
Amelia adds that she agrees that they need some work on the website.
Eldin answers that he was not present for any of this website development discussions and that he cannot
speak to what it is for. He says that he thinks it is padding for future work, but he does not have an
answer for exactly what it is for.

Eldin speaks up and says that he’s not sure of the committee's conduct on questioning other departments
and that there are financial reasons for needing or wanting it. He wonders if he were to ask for a budget,
would he be asked a bunch of questions, like if it was put in his charter or what he is going to do with
it…etc. He declares that it's what their trusted servant wants to do for his committee. He doesn’t believe
the Finance Committee should go line by line so critically. He thinks It is okay to ask the Tech Committee
what it is, but to do it with judgment should not be allowed by anyone.
Jennifer answers that it actually is her job to do. She has a fiduciary responsibility to OIAA not to the
Amelia also agrees and says that Jennifer's job is different from the Committee's job.
Nona adds that the issue is they don’t have $167,000 to spend.
Jennifer says that they are supposed to question this stuff.
Amelia agrees that they can question it, but that they need more information. She thinks we should ask
them how they would cut their budget and let them tell you how they could bring it down.
Susan says that she would love to give 167 billion dollars, but maybe they should ask the Committees that
question instead. She suggests they ask what could be done to bring down their estimates since there just
isn’t enough money. She also thinks they could ask the committees to cut their budgets and see what
they can come up with first.
Jennifer believes that the requests should come through the Finance Committee, which then will take it to
the Board, which in turn will decide what they will and will not keep. Jennifer declares that fiduciarily,
she will absolutely say that she either does or does not agree with something. Amelia says that when she
worked in finance she used to review budgets and they mainly just asked more questions only if they
didn’t understand something.
Jennifer replies that that’s exactly what she has done, indicating to the share screen where she has been
taking notes.
Jennifer states that as far as Finance goes, it came in that an audit might be in order. After doing
research, it seems that the first year is always the most crucial. Google cites $10-$20k for first year audit
for non profit because of the gathering of documents. So the Finance Committee has budgeted $15,000.
After hearing Guidelines, Jennifer is in agreement with wanting an audit to begin fresh. She also gives a
second option of doing an internal audit where members can have access to financial documents and can
conduct an internal audit as a service commitment. She asks if they should leave the $15,000 in the
Financial Committee’s Budget for the external audit, or should they go for an internal audit.
Felix asks if the non-profit 501C status is recently approved?
Jennifer answers yes, that it is approved and they are not required to have an external audit. She tells
everyone that you would have to have $500,000 in revenues to require an audit.
Felix agrees with the need for an audit and refers to the history of OIAA. He believes the Finance
Committee should have an internal audit in place anyway. He wonders if we have the people to do the
internal audit available.
Susan replies that it is a lot of money to spend to ease the mine of some skeptics.
Jennifer replies that it came from Guidelines.
Susan adds that the information also came from the last Assembly. She suggests that they put the
$15,000 into a 2 years accrual and maybe they could offset this $15,000.
Jennifer reminds everyone that it would not satisfy the concerned parties.
Susan suggests bringing it to the Assembly.
Amelia states that she is intrigued with the idea to set aside some every year for audits. In her opinion,
some should be done internally and some externally, but initially they should decide more on when. She
would like to make sure they had all the guidelines and bylaws in place first and doesn't think they should
do an audit out of reaction to the few voices in the Guidelines Committee and some of the Participants.

Nona brings up that following some of the processes put in by Brian, she believes that going to an
external company doesn’t make sense as they don’t understand what is in place. She is against using this
amount of money for something like this and believes an audit is not needed.
Jennifer states that this is the Finance Committee's budget.
Eldin raises his hand and asks about whether or not they can bring it to the Board and Assembly and let
them know their consensus. He would like for them to see that they did discuss it and are transparent
and willing to go through with the audit. He wants them to see that it was the best option coming from a
financial reasoning instead of any other.
Jennifer answers that she doesn’t see which, if any, other department would put the audit as an expense
and this is why they put it on the Finance Committees budget.
Jennifer calls for a vote in favor of keeping the $15,000 in the Finance Committees budget.
No one responds or raises their hands.
Treasurer calls for Opposition to keeping the $15,000.
Eldin raises his virtual hand. Felix and Amelia raise their virtual hands.
Jennifer claims she is going to change it and states that they can look into an internal audit. Amelia relays
that she thinks the Board should decide and recommend a proposed prudent plan and time frame for the
audit. Jennifer replies that the best time for an audit would be the first of this year. She says this because
she has been in service for a little under a year. It would be evident within the first year if anyone is
stealing. She exclaims that it would be the Treasurer if anyone that is doing this. She reasons that you
would not want to wait two or five years to find the person that is ripping you off, as you want to stop it
before it goes that long.
Amelia did not know that the audit was also a look at the Treasurer, but a broader scheme of all of the
Jennifer clarifies that an audit is definitively Financial. She details what the financial audit entails which
includes retrieving permanent documents, obtaining their organization chart, bylaws and registrations
etc.. She states that this is what a CPA’s job is.
Amelia questions Jennifer in that Jennifer believes she is the one to be looked at even though these
procedures were set up by Brian.
Jennifer answers that she is the one being observed while exercising the procedures. She is in charge of
receiving the money, watching the financial statements, making the payments, etc.
Amelia states that Jennifer did not contract with the particular bank they were using.
Jennifer claims that those facts do not matter as the auditor will only see where the money is going and if
payments are proceeding by procedure, etc. It is a financial audit.
Felix wants to add that he believes that Jennifer is more prepared to answer any of the audit items way
better than he would be.
Nona and Amelia hope that Jennifer will hang in there with them to get through this Assembly because
they all believe that she is doing a great job. Nona also adds that Jennifer just saved them $15,000.
Susan also states that they just need to get through this election!
Felix adds that he voted the way he did because they don't need the audit right now and to save the
Eldin would like to ask why the request for the audit didn’t come from the Chair themselves? Jennifer
states that it is the Chair requesting. Jennifer takes a phone call.
Jokingly, Felix is called to be in charge by Amelia and Susan. Susan asks for Felix to add $1500 to her
Review of Susan’s Translation Services :

Susan’s Translations Services budget is on the share screen so she says that she would like to tell them
what she plans to do with the money. She plans to deal with some legal fees, and some board education
along with a plan of a lot of interpreters. She adds that this is not shown in the budget. So she proposes
to keep the money and indicates on the screen to cut the steering and to plan one language at the Steering
Jennifer comes in and states that she would propose to keep one language at the Board Meeting, one
language at the Steering Committee, and retain three languages at Assembly. Susan says she also
commits to four Assemblies.
Jennifer does the math and it comes out to $3120.00 plus $2080 plus so that equals $8,320 instead of
$19,500. Jennifer modifies the document to show the calculations.
Susan goes over the changes and declares she has one language at the Board Meeting, one language at the
Steering Committee and the Assembly stays the same at 3 languages.
Jennifer agrees that is correct. Jennifer appreciates Susan’s modification. Jennifer states that saved
Jennifer goes over the Budget Changes.
She begins with the two which had been previously accepted. Conference Expenses were lowered to
$1,500.00. Organizational Fees that may need to be addressed and some Board development. Board
Source Membership is $500 Equals $6,000. Adding $8,320 for Translation.
Overall Modifications are as follows :
Removed $10,000 from CPC.
Removed $15,000 from Finance.
Several questions on items in the Tech Budget.
Modified Chair by $12,000.
Secretary Budget passed as is.
Unity passed as is.
Jennifer states that she will have a final total tomorrow for the Board meeting.
Change of Finance Meeting Time/Date :
Treasurer has one last topic for the Finance Committee Meeting in regards to International Participation.
They should not have 6PM EST for a meeting option.
Felix says he is happy to do it on the weekend.
Jennifer brings up the calendar. Jennifer asks if they could change to the second Saturday of the months.
Susan agrees.
Jennifer adds that it will be in alignment with being before the board meetings 95% of the time. Susan
agrees with Saturday.
Jennifer asks if that works for Eldin.
Eldin asks what time on Saturday?
Jennifer offers 9am HST or 3pm EST. Jennifer also suggests 8am HST. She asks if everyone would want
to do 8am or 9am on Saturday?
Susan replies 8am.
Amelia also replies 8am.
Jennifer acts upset.
Amelia adds that Jennifer can just up her nose at the International Community instead.
Felix seconds that idea. They agree on 8am HDT, 11am PDT or 2pm EDT for the next meeting.
Jennifer closes with the Responsibility Statement.

–Finance Committee Meeting Ends-
2:54pm HDT // 5:54pm PDT // 8:54pm EDT–

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