Agenda for Guidelines Meeting - 23 Aug 2023
23 August 23 Full Committee Ad Hoc Guidelines Committee
3pm Eastern Daylight Time
Zoom 810 0074 2990 PW: Bylaws
Opening Prayer- Please let’s pray to put principles before personalities, for understanding and effectiveness.
Call to order: Gwen M
Roll Call for the Minutes
New Business:
o Introduction to Master Guidelines Document
Old Business: (in break-out rooms)
o Elections Section:
Decide on placement of eligibility statement
Eligibility statement approved by the Board 19 August, 23 consistent with
Also review Membership and Intergroup Representatives (IGR’s) section
which directly precedes Elections.
o Finance Section:
Finish finance section which was presented last week.
o Section One:
Intro statement, #3 General Provisions and Trustee at Large
Return to main room at 4:00 Eastern:
o Section Updates
Elections and Membership/IGR’s
Section One
Attachments: (via email only)
AGENDA 23 August 23…