OIAA IGR Forum 28 October 2023 – Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous

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OIAA IGR Forum 28 October 2023

This is the archive page for the 28 October IGR Forum.

Thanks for your participation! Let us know what other types of topics would be of interest to you as an IGR. At the bottom of this page you will find all of the links that were placed in the chat during the IGR Forum.

This is our membership’s opportunity to ask questions or topics of interest. There will be an ask-it-basket and Q&A session during the IGR Forum.  In planning our agenda we ask that you help in that preparation by submitting your Questions and Topics in advance of the Forums if possible.

What a great opportunity for IGRs to share experience, support and offer insight to us all and our membership.  Email  igrworkshops@aa-intergroup.org

During our IGR Forum we will set aside time for an “Ask It Basket”,  questions and answers.  Please send “Ask It Basket” questions, or topics of interest to  IGR.forum@aa-intergroup.org.


IGR Orientation Nona C
Spotlight on Steppers CommitteeLaurie C
Spotlight on PAC Committee Jan BB
How do IGRs service their group
Beth D
Into Action Group
How does your online group work with newcomers
Presentation – pdf
Newcomer Packet Example – pdf
Jacque T
Early Risers Group
 Ask-It-Basket – Questions and Comments

Information placed in the IGR Forum chat.

OIAA Mission Statement:
OIAA was established to list meetings and provide an online platform to support online groups internationally. OIAA is here to aid your group in our common purpose of carrying the AA message to the alcoholic who still suffers.

IGR Orientation

Steppers Presentation

Pac presentation

More Website Resources for IGRs

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  3. Select Printer Destination or Save as PDF in the print dialog box