Group Report for AA Serenity - Aug 2023
AA Serenity is a closed, women’s AA e-mail meeting. We welcome all women who adhere to the traditions of AA. We have women from all over the world sharing their experience, strength and hope and we support one another, as sisters, through all the good times and the bad times.
We meet three days a week. Our weekly topics consist of a Big Book topic, Open AA Topic, and Newcomers Topic, as well as discussions on the Steps/Traditions of the corresponding month. AA Serenity remains one of the safest women’s AA on-line meetings on the Internet.
Our website link is
To subscribe e-mail or for additional information click on the subscribe link (subscribe) or to unsubscribe e-mail click the unsubscribe link (unsubscribe).
As of August 1, 2023, we have 129 members subscribed.
In service,
Naterena P-C
AA Serenity IGR